Two Indias, Two Kilometers and A Thousand Worlds Apart

If you want to begin to get a sense of the vast gulf between the classes in India, our stay in Ranthambore is a good place to start. Our hotel was an opulent maharaja's palace, and the village, 2 km. away, was just an ordinary place. No real poverty visible to us on the street. Just an ordinary village, but the contrast was still striking for us. I shot the first video as we traveled by jeep through the village. It gives a tiny sense of the total craziness that is India, and why we love it so. I can't figure out how to edit video on this iPad, so the beginning isn't nearly as interesting as the end. I urge you to stick with it at least until the cows, the pigs and the camels have their star turns.Outside The PalaceThe second video was taken inside the hotel grounds. The hotel (quite a few leagues beyond where we typically stay) was being used as a stage set for a popular Indian television series. To be able to go from one world to the other by virtue of who we are and where we come from is never far from my mind.Inside the Palace20130309-144105.jpg 20130309-145822.jpg


Unlimited Capactiy


Jaipur to Ranthambore